As per the MCLS Operating Procedures, the Members Council for Library Services (MCLS) elects an Executive Committee to assist FLVC in coordinating library-related activities of the organization and to facilitate a collaborative and open communication process. The Executive Committee's responsibilities include:
- Fostering communication among member institutions about library related FLVC issues and operations
- Helping set the agenda for areas of interest for advisement
- Soliciting, synthesizing, and communicating advice from the Members Council on Library Services to FLVC regarding service and product development
- Creating committees and task forces as needed
- Participating in the selection of the Executive Director for Library Services when a vacancy occurs
- Recommending legislative budget requests and e-resource funding recommendations
- Reviewing recommendations for the Members Council on changes to Council membership and operating procedures
- Developing and maintaining relationships with the Members Council on Distance Learning and Student Services and other entities
The Chair, Chair-Elect, and the Past Chair of the Members Council will serve as officers of the Executive Committee for the duration of their term as officers of the Members Council. In addition, the MCLS shall elect two at-large representatives for two-year terms on the Executive Committee and a Secretary who shall record, prepare, and submit minutes of the all Executive Committee meetings. The Executive Director for Library Services is an Ex-Officio member of the Executive Committee. A listing of past members of the Executive Committee can be found here.
The Executive Committee of the MCLS typically meets monthly via web conference.