Dark Archive In The Sunshine State, used for the Florida Digital Archive (FDA) at FLVC. It is an open source preservation repository software application used by the Florida Digital Archive. DAITSS provides automated support for the functions of Submission, Ingest, Archival Storage, Access, Withdrawal, and Repository Management.
Digital Archive Management System, database that provides descriptive and administrative metadata about logical objects and data files stored in the FDA at FLVC.
The database administrator is responsible for databases, both cloud-based and on-premises, supporting product and application functionality.
Demand driven acquisition, also referred to as patron-driven acquisition (PDA), is a method used by libraries for collection development where monographs are purchased at their point of need when selected by users from a pool of potential titles.
A comprehensive collection management solution which is part of the next gen ILS from Innovative Intefaces, that provides timely and focused action recommendations for budgeting, selection, weeding, floating, shelving allocation, and more. Decision Center helps libraries match supply and demand to deliver optimized service. By accessing current and complete data—including circulation, holds, transits, patrons, and acquisitions—Decision Center provides courses of action that help your library create customer-driven collections while streamlining collection management workflows.