Learn about terms frequently used by Library Services community.
Collection Management and eResources Standing Committee

An FLVC advisory committee charged to:

  • Recommend which e-resources will be licensed for all college and university libraries.
  • Correlate available dollars with the ability to maintain subscriptions, and prioritize if funds will be insufficient to maintain current subscriptions.
  • Recommend more permanent committees and task forces necessary to analyze and build joint FCS/SUS library collections.
  • Coordinate with relevant FLVC staff and other committees and report to the Executive Committee.
College and Career Readiness Evaluation (CCRE)

FLVC website functionality that compares high school transcript information against current requirements for graduation, scholarships, and state university admissions.

Content Access Service (CASE)

A service from Innovative Interfaces that makes available comprehensive data, covering tens of thousands of titles across hundreds of information packages. In this way, your library gets the exact part of the information universe it needs accurately, without concern for missing links or resources that can result in failed patron searches. CASE provides critical access points such as title, ISSN, date range, and URLs. The database is updated continuously.


Florida College System Council of Presidents


Counting Online Usage of NeTworked Electronic Resources