Application Expresss, a web application development tool from Oracle used for report generation.
A component of a product. A piece of software designed to perform a specific task. For example, the ILS is a product while Cataloging and Circulation modules are applications.
A statewide, shared database of EAD-encoded archival finding aids. Any Florida institution with archival holdings can participate. These finding aids describe the contents of some of the collections of organizational records and personal papers held in Florida archives.
An open-source archives management software used in the Digital Services Program. It is a software tool for curators of archives and manuscript collections. It is used to create EAD finding aids, linked authority records for creators and subject headings, and other information. EADs created in Archon can be displayed in Archon and/ or exported for import into Archives Florida. FLVC hosts and maintains Archon installations for libraries on request.
Ad-hoc Report Request Over the Web, a collection of reports from FLVC-housed databases currently used primarily by the SUS libraries.