Learn about terms frequently used by Library Services community.

Database storage engine from Oracle with strong data protection and indexing features.

IP Address (IP#)

Internet Protocol # is the internet network identifier address associated with your computer hardware.


Institutional Repository, disseminates an institution’s intellectual products, often managed by the university's library.


International Standard Book Number, a unique identifying code representing a published work.


The open-source software framework designed to help institutions and organizations and their audiences collaboratively manage, and discover digital assets using a best-practices framework used by FLVC. FLVC hosts and maintains the Islandora digital library platform for participating institutions. The FLVC Islandora installation is called “FL-Islandora” and enables participant institutions to manage and present their digital assets on a shared system managed by FLVC. Each participating institution has its own FL-Islandora site with  institution-specific branding of the site and its collections, and also has the option to share se­lected collections with a shared site.